Blheli_s Download


This is a fork of the BLHeliS open source sensorless brushless motor electronic speed control (ESC) firmware. It was created in an attempt to revive open source development of this type of firmware, and make modern features available to users of open source software. We know that with mini quads, every gram counts. LittleBee 20A is only 24.5x12.5mm, and weights only 4g, whilst LittleBee 30A is 35x17mm and weights 11g. I hope BLHeliS sticks around for a while. I’m on a Mac and I need a cross-platform solution. Plus, I like having open-source software in my flight stack.

Blheli Suite Blheli S Download For Windows

  • Quick guide on how to install BLHeliSuite32 for BLHeli32 (BLHeli32)The Download Link for PC changed to
  • BLHeli Suite is the most feature rich application for setting up the BLHeli and BLHeliS ESCs. It is still maintained and time to time is updated. BLHeli Suite runs only on Windows platform. (BLHeli32 Suite however is available on Win, Linux and MacOS platforms) BLHeli Configurator is simpler, but user friendlier than BLHeli Suite.

sThe latest BLHeli_S firmware allows 48KHz and it reportedly gives you up to 50% more flight time on micro quads without downside! Interested? This post explains what 48KHz is and how to enable it.

48KHz is the ESC PWM Frequency, we’ve explained what it is and its benefits in this post. In a nutshell, it’s how often the ESC drives the motor.

I use 48KHz on all of my BLHeli_32 ESC’s, because it makes my quad fly smoother, and the motors run cooler.

It wasn’t possible to to do 48KHz on BLHeli_S ESC (only 24KHz max), until now. Our tiny whoops and toothpicks can finally enjoy this great feature! (And any quads that run BLHeli_S ESC’s)

Apart from cooler motors, 48KHz PWM Frequency also improves efficiency (mainly on micro quads, more noticeable on the tiny whoops and toothpicks). The increase of flight time varies from setup to setup, but from what I’ve gathered so far, it’s between 10% to 30%. Some even claims to have gained 50% longer flight time!

By increasing PWM frequency, it reduces the braking force on the motors. It resolves issues with excessive motor braking that sometimes occurs on tiny motors, such as 06XX and 08XX, and lowers current draw. Bigger motors generally don’t have this problem that’s why we don’t see the same level of efficiency improvement on larger quadcopters. And that’s probably why we might see diminishing improvement on larger micro motors, such as 11XX and 12XX.

Blheli 32 download

Download Blheli Suite 32 With Joshua Bardwell

As far as I know, even higher PWM frequency is being experimented, i.e. 96KHz. But your quad might perform worse if it gets too high, so it’s definitely not “higher is better”. For now 48KHz is a safer option.

There is concern if 48KHz will affect damping effectiveness (active braking), let us know if you notice any difference in performance after enabling 48KHz.

The steps are exactly the same as flashing the bi-directional DShot firmware (for RPM filter), but this time you are going to download the latest firmware marked “48KHz”. I am not going to repeat it here :) Let me know if you have any questions!

RPM filtering with BLHeli_S for free

BHeli_S firmware is OpenSource software product. It evolved from BHLeli firmware that was running on the relatively slow Atmel MCU’s. It’s development almost stopped in year 2017, when the devs started a new BLHeli_32 branch with closed source, licensing and etc. BLHeli_32 ESC firmware introduced the so called bidirectional DSHOT protocol that enabled the ESC to send the telemetry to the Flight Controller. That allowed the RPM filtering to be implemented. RPM filtering soon became known as the best filtering option that reduces almost all the vibrations that multirotor motor can induce. The only problem was that the RPM filtering was only possible with BLHeli_32 ESCs.

Blheli S Firmware

Luckily, one of the developers, called joelucid, implemented the updated BLHeli_S firmware with optional closed source DSHOT telemetry module. To enable DSHOT rpm telemetry you would need to purchase the license for the optional Telemetry Service. Each ESC requires one license. The JESC firmware can be found here:

But that was until now when the RCGoups user JazzMaveric implemented the bidirectional DSHOT in the BLHeli_S firmware for free! This means no licenses and no fees needed for the bidirectional DSHOT on almost any BLHeli_S ESC! The modified BLHeli_S firmware repository can be found here:

How to flash the BLHeli_S firmware with DSHOT RPM telemetry?

First you’ll need the BLHeli Configurator. You can download it from here: You can also use the BLHeli Suite ( to flash the BLHeli_S firmware, but this guide will show the steps with BLHeli Configurator.

Note: Remove your props before connecting the quad to the PC! (unless you have tiny whoop – its small props will make almost no harm 🙂

Blheli_s Github Download

Note #2: Make sure you have fully charged battery before flashing BLHeli_s firmware. If your battery discharges in the middle of the firmware flashing process you may brick your ESC!

Start the BLHeli Configurator, connect the flight controller to the PC and plug the battery. Press [Connect] and then [Read setup]. You should see all four ESC settings.

Write down the type of the BLHeli_S firmware. The naming of the BLHeli firmware: first letter is the hardware configuration of the ESC, the second letter shows H – for BB2 MCU and L – for BB1 MCU and the last numbers show the Dead Time value.

Now open the modified firmware repository and select the firmware file with the same naming as you see in the BLHeli Configurator.

After you have selected the right firmware, right click on the button [Raw] and select “Save link as” and save the file.

Next in BLHeli Configurator press the [Flash all] button and then press [Select File Manually]:

Select the downloaded BLHeli_S firmware file (double check the naming!):

Watch how the BLHeli Configurator flashes all 4 your ESCs: Rapido y fogoso latino.

Blheli Download For Windows 10

If flashing process ended successfully, then you should see the BLHeli_S firmware number changed in the ESC tab (also you will notice the startup sounds have changed):

Thats it! Now you have BLHeli_s firmware with the bidirectional DSHOT and you can set up the RPM filtering in the Betaflight configurator.

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