Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache

Do you have blank app icons in Windows 10? Follow these easy steps to resolve a blank app icon by Rebuild Icon Cache Windows 10. ↓↓↓↓↓↓ CLICK TO SEE MORE ↓↓↓. Windows 10 shows you file previews for certain file types in File Explorer. For other files, it uses a generic icon e.g., the yellow folder icon to represent. How to Rebuild the Icon Cache in Windows 10 The icons that display for files in Windows are saved in an icon cache so they can be displayed quickly instead of having to manually scan and slowly load them each time. The icon cache can sometimes become corrupted causing the icons of files to display incorrectly or distorted. In order to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 10, you have to delete all the icon cache files that appear in this folder. It is not as simple as clicking on them and pressing Delete, though because those files are still in use by Windows Explorer and you cannot just delete them as you would delete a normal file. How to rebuild Icon Cache in Windows 10: Icon cache is a storage location where the icons that are used by your Windows documents and programs are stored for faster access rather than load them every time they are needed. When there is a problem with the icons on your computer rebuilding or fixing the icon cache will definitely fix the problem.


If one or more of your icons are not displaying correctly, or that your icon cache is corrupted, then you might consider rebuilding the icon cache to reset and reload the icon images into the icon cache. The Icon Cache or IconCache.db is a special database file that Windows utilizes to keep copies of each icon handy

Having to retrieve all possible icon images from hard disk and to render them dynamically can consume lots of system resources. As a result, Windows save icons it’s already retrieved in its memory. When Windows needs to draw an icon, it uses the copy from the cache instead of retrieving the icon image from the original application file. This helps in making Windows draw the icons faster.


Rebuild Shell Icon Cache is a Portable freeware and have ability to Refresh the Windows’s icon cache. Usage of the Application is quite simple, just double click on it that’s all. You can use Rebuild Shell Icon Cache with Command Prompt here are the supported parameters

Supported operating systems: Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)

Windows 10 clear start menu icon cache

Taj mahal theme music download. Updated : October 15, 2019
File: ReIconCache_x64.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 54c8696fd59174bc1c234c9caf50db1e
SHA1: 3cb2713fd7842231a496e1629e61bbe4c428dc4f

Windows 10 Rebuild Desktop Icon Cache

Updated : October 15, 2019
File: ReIconCache.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 12a1e66ed6be57d9fb53705d177abb62
SHA1: 42f0c970e1e3fea6fb17a30ec0ab09208297e7eb

Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache Drive